Day 1~ Do one thing at a time~ By Joyce Meyer~ Devotional reading and reflection by Me

I like to read different devotional books and like to share my insights of particular things that were revealed to me during a specific time. It has taken me awhile to decide how I was going to use this blog page and I want to inspire others through my faith in God! This book by Joyce Meyer~ 100 Ways to Simplify your Life is an eye opener! I am going to share bits and pieces with you.

1).Do one thing at a time~ scripture reading is from Hebrews 12:2 " Looking away [from all that will distract] to Jesus, Who is the Leader and the Source of our faith [giving the first incentive for our belief] and is also its Finisher [bringing it to maturity and perfection].

Focusing isn't something that is easily obtained due to our human nature. We are busy!!!!! No matter what we do in life, we are constantly busy! Are we focusing on the things that are beneficial or wasting our time? Good question! There is this new saying that is floating around social media that reads " Not my circus, Not my monkeys!" I laugh every time I read it because it is true and something to think about. I am a fixer and a problem solver! These qualities gets me into trouble in more ways than one! I am currently a college student getting ready to graduate. I also take care of my parents! The last year or so, God has shown me that they are capable to take do some things themselves and that I allow myself to feel guilty because I am trying to move on with my life.I have dreams too!
Some of them crazy! I want to get married and have a family of my own!The last year my brother and his family moved down here and it seems like more drama has evolved in my life! It is hard to focus on what God wants me to do.
Main focus is to graduate and work to pay off credits needed to graduate. Nothing more nothing less!

Meyer, J. (2007). 100 ways to simplify your life. New York, NY. FaithWords.


  1. Busy-ness is something that I have found is the biggest change in my world since I came into it in 1957. Even when my children were babies and we lived in Greensboro, NC, Life wasn't as busy as it is now. My 88 (almost 89) yr. old mother does live with me and walks with a walker, cannot drive, has trouble hearing and has short term memory loss, but she can dress herself and is not totally dependent on me. My son moves in and out of our house as roommate situations change. My husband travels frequently and sometimes I get to go with him. I have a Boxer dog who needs a lot of exercise, and I am trying to stay/get fit by making it to the gym at lest 3x a wk. I go to a small group at church 1x a week and church on Sunday. I don't even have a job outside the home any more. So, how am so much busier than I was with 2 toddlers in a big city and often keeping a friend's son while she worked part time? I think traffic has increased, cell phones and computers came into daily life and interrupt our thought processes and demand responses, our grown children stay home longer because finding a job that pays enough to afford an apartment and gas and utilities is no longer guaranteed even with a college degree....It IS hard to make time to truly connect with God and we have to choose to put it at the top of our list of top priorities for each day. For me, that is what I am trying to focus on--time with God that I don't allow to be cut short by interruptions or other demands.


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