Day 16~ Stay out of Debt!

Good Monday Morning! I know many are getting kids off to school here throughout the next few days! The expense of school itself is burden for many people. Today's devotional reading and reflection is talking about debt. We are continuing our discussion through Joyce Meyer's book, " 100 ways to simplify your life."

Day 16~ Stay out of Debt

Our scripture reading is found in Proverbs 22:7, " The rich rule over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender."

This is a difficult one to talk about! I grew up to be able to pay for everything without borrowing money. That is one reason why I didn't want to go to college itself because of the money! 50,000.00 could be a house! I had a credit card once with a balance of 250.00 and I couldn't handle it. So I paid that off and never got another one again! My first 2 degrees were pay as you go! This really also connects with a previous devotion in day 10, Refuse to start what you cannot finish! The biggest thing I am facing now is paying off my college degree that I will have in my hands in October. I have to figure out a way to pay for it. My original plan was to be district manager with Avon but that has shifted. I'm in the "UNKNOWN" part of my faith with this one because I know God had me there for a reason other than getting a degree. If you want something, it is always best to save up for it! My grandfather always told me that and that man never own a credit card. He paid for everything in cash! I believe God has something in the mist of things for us when we face this "UNKNOWN" part of our faith. Let's remember Proverbs 3: 5-6, " Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths."


Think before purchasing! Sit (pray) and calculate the cost. God does provide for our needs! Always lift your petition to God first and fully wait on the Lord. Remember it is always His Will all the time! Think before you do!


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