Day 18~ Establish Boundaries~ saying "No" is a boundary

Good early morning! God woke me up a little bit early to share with you what's on his heart. We are continuing our discussion and reflection through reading Joyce Meyer's book, " 100 ways to simplify your life." We are looking at day 18!

Day 18~ Establish Boundaries~

Our scripture reading comes from Acts 17:26, " And He made from one [common origin, one source, one blood] all nations of men to settle on the face of the earth, having definitely determined [their] allotted periods of time and the fixed boundaries of their habitation (their settlements, lands, and abodes)."

Saying "No" is placing a boundary

Throughout the bible we can see how God sets boundaries through kingdoms, relationships, businesses, marriages,and so many other areas. We can say boundaries are like fences; they are there to keep people out of things regarding your life that is undesirable. A lot of people do not obey this in peoples' lives when it comes to sharing personal issues by going to the next person to talk about them. It is known as "Gossiping." I tend to keep to myself a lot because I have learned long time ago what to say and what not to say. One women's group I was involved with requested that everyone share their problems they were facing because if we don't share our burdens with one another how are we to pray for each other. This is a two-fold scenario. This is also a foothold for the devil to start gossiping. Let's be honest, some people are just nosy. To test people to see if they talk is fun too, because this particular time I shared something random with "Our Leader," and miraculously the preacher's wife came up just talking to me. It's ok not share and people do not like to respect this because they feel that you are hiding something. If you feel that God has something to share, "Share it", if not,"it's ok not to share." Somethings are between God and you!!! When the time comes, you will know when to share. Remember we are called by God to follow Him and walk in wisdom. Do not allow people to dictate you because this also causes confusion. We all need wisdom in this area as much as myself. If people do not want you to know, they don't really have to let you know and we should respect that. I have had people try to set me up with people in churches to date and  I refused them because my personal relationship with God said,"No." Therefore I said "No." The word "No" offends people because it's you setting a boundary. If we had no boundaries, our lives become, "drama, frustrating, stressful, and complicated." In order to be happy, set boundaries accordingly as needed which also is wisdom. This applies to all areas of your life. God loves you!


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