Day 14~ Clear out the clutter~ Overgrown and Overwhelmed~

Good morning! God is good! We sometimes get so busy with everyday life that we forget what is important! We are in day 14 of our devotional and reflection reading of Joyce Meyer's book, " 100 Ways to simplify your life."

Day 14~ Clear out the Clutter~

"Eliminate physical clutter. More importantly, eliminate spiritual clutter." D.H. Mondfleur

Our scripture reading is found in 1 Corinthians 14:33 (KJV), "For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints."

Overgrown and Overwhelmed

How many of you feel overwhelmed when things are out of order or unorganized? I have slight OCD moments. The issue is when I feel that things are overwhelming, then I start to panic into an OCD mode because I can control a physical area either in the house or outside. This strikes when I'm overwhelmed with life's pressures and stress that I sometimes cannot control. God is in control no matter what. In those moments, I'm praying to God either through what is really bothering me and by the time I'm done clearing out something, I have reached a solution that God was trying to tell me. Lately, I have been extremely busy with school, work, and family situations that things are unkempt. I feel bad because I don't mean it to be like it is but when it's just you that is able and you deal with limitations with chronic fatigue, itself is overwhelming. However, I am grateful that my nephew comes and mows my lawn but doesn't quite understand how to move things to mow around the edges of my flowerbeds. It is a shame to say, but they are unruly because I haven't been able to really focus on cleaning and building them like in the past. So today, I have to schedule a time this weekend, stop procrastinating, and clear! 

Reflection~ Spiritual clutter free

Many times our spiritual lives get like this. Why many of us go through even more anxiety! It's time to clear out the clutter! Here is a simple plan:
1. Sit down with God and talk to him. (Coffee with God time)
2. Ask him what is causing the uneasiness or overwhelming feeling. Sometimes God will give you an answer immediately or he'll wait until you are still enough in your spirit to understand.
3. When waiting in that moment, Give thanks. Matter fact, start praising him! Throw on some praise music.
4. Get your bible. Find a devotional book, journal (notebook from dollar store), and pen. Write down verses, thoughts, concerns, and list things that you are grateful for!
5. Do it everyday like you would spend time with loved ones!

If you are too busy, start evaluating where you spend the most of your time. God will rearrange your schedule. He does mine a lot. He wakes me up earlier to talk! Sometimes even more when I'm working on a project. You will begin to see the areas in your life that you have allowed to consume you. Get right and honest with God an he'll direct your path. Look at Proverbs 3:5 -6, " Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him and he will make your paths straight."


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