Day 13~ Stop Procrastinating~ Don't wait until tomorrow to do what God has for you to do TODAY

Good afternoon on this beautiful day that God as provided again for us! There has been a lot we have covered and I will recap in a few days to allow this to sink in. We are heading into day 13 of our continuing to read through Joyce Meyer's book 100 ways to simplify your life. 

Day 13~ Stop Procrastinating~

Our scripture reading comes from Hebrews 4:7, " Again He sets a definite day, [a new] Today, [and gives another opportunity of securing that rest] saying through David after so long a time in the words already quoted, Today, if you would hear His voice and when you hear it, do not harden your hearts."

Stop Procrastinating~ I have the tendency like many to have these great ideas and start these great ideas but sometimes I don't finish them. I fall into the trap of things I have said I would do but haven't done nor found the way to complete it. I have in the past said yes to things that I know that God did not lead me to do. We sometimes we misunderstand that our good intentions do not always equal obedience. 
      I never realized that procrastinating is one of the devil's great schemes to get us off track. Is there something that you need to do or something God has laid upon your heart to do but haven't? Like I have stated that 2 years ago I was sitting and reading my bible, when I asked God why I was in a pit? His words were," You aren't in a pit but a valley looking at a mountain." I said, " What do you want me to do with the mountain?" He said, " It is time to climb that mountain!" Then these words came across my heart, " Faith Can Move Mountains!" At first I did start a blog page like this but it didn't go far! Then I thought I was to write a book but things that were coming out were in short story form so I got discouraged that I left it alone. But something kept urging me with those words, so I thought maybe God wanted me to write a song so I did. It was still there that urge..........I thought well maybe instead of me trying to control it, I should allow God time to prepare me for it! 
      It was coming down to time with school that my classes on campus would be ending and I would be online for my last classes. I came across this verse with a picture of on Pinterest.  
I was feeling overwhelmed getting credits approved and paid for. I was not happy with leaving the campus. About earlier in the month, Hillsongs " Oceans," just kept playing in my mind. I was being called into the deep waters with my faith with God facing the "Unknown." I grew up around water all my life and I always drawn to it for inspiration. My favorite movie of all time is "Titanic." The part where Jack was teaching Rose to fly on the tip of the ship. God is like that with us to show us something new and to trust him. 


One of my other devotions stated, " I SPEAK TO YOU FROM DEEPEST HEAVEN. You hear Me in the depths of your being. DEEP CALLS UNTO DEEP." (Ps. 42:7).  Jonah was called to give a message and ran from God. God caused a storm in the boat he tried to escape and they overthrew him. God provided a huge fish (Whale), to swallow Jonah to get his attention. When the fish spit him out, then Jonah went a preached the message but he was ungrateful with his relationship with God. During these times, God wants you to have a thankful mind-set. Be grateful when God calls you into the deep UNKNOWN because he has something for you to do. We just have to sit, listen, and act on it. Don't procrastinate on Tomorrow on what God has called you to do TODAY! Step out on FAITH! 


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