Day 4 ~ Reflection / devotion with Joyce Meyer 100 Ways to Simplify your life~ my reflection of my weight loss journey

It is a beautiful day to share with you in how God is faithful!!! We will continue with our discussions with Joyce Meyer 100 Ways to Simplify your life with our day 4 reflection and devotional! Please remember that this is what the Lord laid upon my heart to share with you! I pray that this will encourage others and yourself. Please follow my page and share with those you know! I intend to breakdown different devotional studies as we move forward!

4) Live to Glorify God~ our scripture reading is from 1 Corinthians 10:31, " So then, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you may do, do all for the honor and glory of God."

This verse has been a milestone verse for me! The last few years I have been dealing with some health and weight issues. As a child I was overweight and I did not care how anyone viewed me. By the time I graduated high school in 1995, I was close to 400 lbs and miserable! I felt hopeless and needed to do something. The moment came when I could not bend over to tie my shoe and a commercial came on the tv for LA Weight Loss! I called the number asked about their program and what it entailed. The next day I made an appointment with my regular doctor to discuss this option with along the diet plan he gave me a month ago. Once we decided to try it, I made an appointment with LA Weight Loss program! I started with a nutritionist and I was loosing weight by buying healthier choices. I learned to eat less and move more! I started to figure out who I was and by the end of the program 1 year later I was 96 lbs lighter. I continued to loose weight and gain some in between but I was back on track again! The hardest part is when one day I couldn't move. My body just was facing issues of pain! Seems more I moved the more it hurt! I personally thought I developed RA because it was so sudden. However, when I moved down here to NC it still wasn't better and I started to gain weight again. After research, 2010 I made the decision that I will not allow this to stop me! I just needed a different plan of action. God himself allowed me the opportunity to build flower gardens and I worked outside. Some pain eased and i lost weight! I was able to walk around the block and was feeling free. I asked God to help me loose the weight and he provided scripture to do that according to his glory! It changed my attitude and my relationship with God. Today I have been going to the gym a few days a week and I have continued to loose weight! I also I'm able to move better on good days and function as well as I can on bad days! I have Fibromaligia, Chronic Fatigue syndrome along with Restless Leg Syndrome! God is good! I didn't do this for any reason but to be a healthier person to be able to function as normally as I can! I did it according to the bible and common sense without surgery or quick fixes ( slim fast was not an option for me because I still ate)!

Meyer, J. (2007). 100 ways to simplify your life. New York, NY. FaithWords.


  1. I applaud your persistence. My son, F. was quite over weight by high school and also had bad acne and some learning disabilities that made high school a nightmare for him and for us. He was made fun of and bullied and even a couple of teachers added to the problem. We had even tried a private Christian school before his junior year, but that got him behind because the one we could afford had not yet been able to buy computers with educational programs. When we got him back in public high school it was in a special program which mostly had kids that couldn't fit in to the regular classroom for reasons connected to drug use, the courts or teenage pregnancy. Needless to say, he never dated. He finally got a job he could handle working in the deli of a local grocery store and has been there about 5 years. He lost over 100 pounds since high school, has started to dress better, and is trying to control his acne. He has moved out a couple of times and in with a co-worker or 2, but the situations were not good. He is getting ready to move out again Oct.1. He still has had not dates because he is now too scared to ask anyone and doesn't have many opportunities to meet someone. he is not a drinker and has quit smoking so he doesn't do the bar scene and he works full time and is at the gym working out (weight lifting and aerobics) 6 days a week for 2-3 hours each time. He badly wants to find a good Christian woman, to get married, and possibly have children, but is so scared about asking anyone out that he literally freezes up if he is interested in someone at all. He would make a wonderful husband because he is very affirming, affectionate, and loyal and a great listener and protector. His past has followed him into the present even though the weight is now gone and he is no longer the person he was in high school. He is smart and gentle, good with kids and the elderly, but he only sees his imperfections. He will be 30 next week and is certain that his time is up on finding a wife. He wants someone his age and he wants someone who is not permiscuous(sp.?)He says pretty girls are all sexually active. I am so glad you have decided not to let your weight issues win. You are a kind and caring person and have a beauty that you don't want to "hide under a bushel."


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