Happy Weekend ~ Devotional

Happy Weekend! We are going to recap what we have discussed.

(Ps. 119:105) Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path.

Day 1. Do one Thing at a Time~

FOCUS- Is it necessary? Does God want me to do this at this time?

Day 2. Be Satisfied with What you Have~

Learn to be content in the situation you are in.
Learning dependence on God while being content [satisfied] with the things you have.

Day 3. Keep God First~

when you Let Go or give away what's holding you back, you will be FREE!

Day 4. Live to Glorify God~

1 Corinthians 10:31, " So then, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you may do, do all for the honor and glory of God."

Day 5. Don't Worry About Tomorrow~

God will guide your path

Day 6. Let Go of what Lies Behind~

God wants to let us know we have FREEDOM if we just LET GO!

Day 7. Learn How to Say No~

Learn to say "No" without feeling guilty!
Stand behind your "yes"!

Day 8. Be Yourself~

Being set apart is a good thing. Find God's purpose for your life.

Day 9. Choose Quality over quantity~ 

How are you going to life your life between the time you were born until the day you pass?
What are you going to do with that DASH?

Day 10. Refuse to Start What you cannot finish~

Take time to sit (Pray) and calculate the cost. Determine if you are able to finish it.

Day 11. Don't Make Mountains out of Molehills~

Learn to choose your battles wisely and have faith that God will work it out.

Day 12. Get Your Mind Off Yourself~

When we became new creatures in Christ, we are leaving behind ourselves for the sake of Christ.

Day 13. Stop Procrastinating ~

Don't wait until tomorrow to do what God has for you to do TODAY!

Day 14. Clear out the Clutter~

Overgrown and overwhelmed. Get right and honest with God and he'll direct your path.
(Proverbs 3:5-6)

Day 15. Avoid Excess Baggage~

Trust God and unpack your baggage. The lighter the load the easier the journey is.


FOCUS should always be on God. Through FOCUS, we are LEARNING DEPENDENCE ON GOD. We are FREE if we LET GO and live for God alone. With a new attitude of FAITH, TRUSTING God in DIRECTING OUR PATH. Always let your "YES" and "NO" be firm without feeling guilty. Being SET APART is God SETTING us up for HIS PURPOSE. Take time to EVALUATE the DASH. CHOOSE YOUR BATTLES WISELY and FORGET about it being ALL ABOUT YOU. Don't wait until TOMORROW to do what God has for you to do TODAY. GOD WILL ALWAYS DIRECT YOUR PATH. TRUST GOD and UNPACK YOUR BAGS.


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