Day 2~ Be satisfied with what you have~By Joyce Meyer~ Devotion and reflection

To continue with previous post~ 100 ways to Simplify your Life by Joyce Meyer
 last post talked about keeping focus.

2) Be satisfied with What You Have~ Scripture reading is from Hebrews 13:5 " Let your character or moral disposition be free from love of money [including greed, avarice, lust, and craving for earthly possessions] and be satisfied with your present[circumstances and with what you have]; for He [God] Himself has said, I will not in any way fail you.

This is something that is difficult for many to comprehend! Is having "more" really satisfying? The more you have in reality is more that you have to take care of. Choices lead to consequences! I remember when I wanted to move out on my own! I saved my money I was making from subbing and cleaning. My grandfather passed away and I was able to take any house ware items that he had. I boxed them up and put aside. I looked for apartments and places. My friends wanted to get a place together! We had 5 of us thinking we could rent this two story house in our hometown for 500 a month. I was already working 2 jobs and had responsibility of paying for my car / car insurance! I was in the mind set before my friends! One wanted out of our small town looking for her name in lights. My best friend wasn't ready to be out on her own like that! I was content! I ended up moving to a trailer and stayed there for 6 years! The hardest part was walking away from that and moving to North Carolina! I have learned the lesson to be content in the situation that I am in. Is it easy? NO!!!! God always has his reasons! I was needed here in North Carolina! Living with my parents to learn dependence on HIM! different perspective !! Before I was independent from others and independent from God in my relationship! I knew him but not always listening to him! So this time it is learning dependence on God while being content [satisfied] with the things I have!

Meyer, J. (2007). 100 ways to simplify your life. New York, NY. FaithWords.


  1. I will continue to add more throughout the week! Enjoy and leave me some feedback

  2. You expressed yourself so well and I have not read anything on quite that perspective--needing to be less independent on self and more dependenton God. I always have always leaned on being more dependent on someone stronger than my self as I had health issues early on and seem to just "not get it" about things others learn quickly or even seem to innately know. Yet, I hate that being dependent on others can mean you have limited control over your life and I am always striving to find a balance between trusting others for what I truly need help with and yet making sure I don't become totally dependent and have no control of my life in my relationships with others. I usually trust God fairly easily but he doesn't always provide what I think I need and I think sometimes it is to encourage me to be more independent.


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