Day 10~ Refuse to Start What You Cannot Finish~ " Consider the cost"

Hello everyone! I hope you are having a blessed Sunday! I wanted to share day 10 devotion and reflection based on Joyce Meyer's 100 ways to Simplify your life! We have discussed different topics each day and I hope you picked up something new with each one! Know that I am just like you learning every day the goodness of God in my life each day!

Day 10~ Refuse to Start What You Cannot Finish~ Our scripture reading is from Luke 14:28, which states this," For which of you, wishing to build a farm building, does not first sit down and calculate the cost [to see] whether he has sufficient means to finish it?"

It is okay to dream and to have dreams.
    Many people have taken their dreams and capitalized it while others didn't leave the first draft. God's word provides instructions in how to conduct business, finances, relationships and how to make decisions. The first part of the verse states, "....first sit down and calculate the cost....." (Luke 14:28). Whenever you are embarking on an adventure, it is best to consider the pros and cons to every decision we are facing. In my four years of achieving my bachelors degree in Business and Management, the first that was stated over and over again was to sit down and determine what resources are needed to finish the project or purchase within a business plan. It is no different in our life!

Purchasing First Car
     My first car was a Ford Escort that was running on its last leg. My dad and I drove over to the Ford place to look around. I was determining what I could afford to drive when the time came. While walking around, we found a whole row of these small cars called Aspire. It was perfect and I told my dad I didn't want a payment no more than $ 200 a month. The salesman shook our hands and asked if we wanted to test drive it! I signed papers, traded in my escort and drove off the lot with a 1995 Ford Aspire known as Ethel!! I was working two jobs and was learning how to budget my money. I moved out, had a car, and insurance things we aren't taught in school to prepare for. I lost one of my jobs and was difficult to make my car payment like I should, so I sent in partial payments in until I could figure out something else. Once I started to get more hours, I kept sending money in to cover payments. However, the were months that I didn't send nothing in that the car should have been reprocessed but wasn't. One night driving home, a deer walked into my car and smashed the driver side. I was irritated because I had no means to fix it nor could I afford a new car. In NY, you get paid to hit deer and it doesn't reflect your insurance rate. My insurance adjuster handed me a check and told me to call my lender. The check was the full amount of the missing payments within the last year and half. I made direct payments to the lender until the very last payment was made in 2001. The second part of the verse,"...whether he has sufficient means to finish it?" (Luke 14:28). To this day I still drive that car!

Final Thought
    If God gave you a true dream to complete, he will provide means to complete it. First take the time to really sit (Pray ) and calculate the cost of it. Determine if you will be able to finish it. Sometimes you have to keep focus on finishing the task and always go back to the original plan to make sure you are still on track. If you get too overwhelmed, you aren't ready for it or there's something else God has in mind! Have a blessed day! Know that I love you all very much!!

Meyer, J. (2007). 100 ways to simplify your life. New York, NY: FaithWords.


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