Day 38~ Don't Worry About Your Children~ Teaching your Children~ We are all God's Children

Welcome to day 38 with our discussion through Joyce Meyer's book, " 100 ways to simplify your life." The biggest thing that we worry about is our children. I don't have any children of my own, but I feel I am still responsible for all the children I meet. It is so important to realize how special each one is. We are going to look deeper in how not to worry so much over our children that are placed into our lives.

Day 38 ~ Don't Worry About Your Children~

Our scripture reading is from Matthew 6:27, " And who of you by worrying and being anxious can add one unit of measure (cubit) to his stature or to the span of his life?"

Worrying is like a rocking chair that keeps rocking but you aren't going nowhere. I am not a parent but I have babysat, raised nieces and nephews, and was a daycare teacher for 20 years. It is hard sometimes not to worry about them. My nieces and nephews are my heart ! I would do anything for them. They are back here in North Carolina after living in Michigan for 9 years. When they first moved away, it was hard on me because they were living with me. I knew I had to let them go with their dad, it was just a season for me. The first few years my job wouldn't allow me to take time off for Christmas. My parents made trips up either for their birthdays or Christmas and we had them every summer! Two years ago I was able to finally go up to Michigan for Christmas! My niece was excited to have me there too! We decorated a gingerbread house and made Christmas cookies. One night she said that her and Philip made a decision, that they agreed to trade in their birthdays to have us come every Christmas! The following year we did it again but we surprised them that we were coming. They were waiting for what they thought was the Fed Ex truck, but it was us instead! Their faces were priceless. My brother had a rough spell with work laying him off, so come January he started to remodeled their home. Alyssa came down for a few weeks and I knew we had to get her home before the 18th.  She kept saying, " I'm not leaving until the 18th!" I said," We have to take you home this weekend." and she kept arguing, " No I don't have to leave until 18th because daddy said I have 3 weeks with you."  Within that time, my dad had double pneumonia and was in the hospital. I had to get Alyssa back home to Michigan but I had limited time to get her there because of school. I called and talked to my brother what should we do! I knew he didn't have too much money to get here but I knew I couldn't do all that driving in 2 days. He was able to get here and pick up Alyssa on the 18th! While they were here, they were talking about moving down here but I didn't let it get to me. Last year, day after Christmas they were here.

Reflection~ Teaching our Children~

My niece and nephew are now teenagers! They are growing up so fast! It is important for them to go to church even if their parents do not go. There was a time in my life that my parents didn't go to church but my Aunt Carol provided me a way to church. If it wasn't for that, I wouldn't know who God was! I remember reading this scripture found in Deut. 11:19, " Teach them to your children, talking about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up." My niece and nephew know my relationship with God because they see it in me. Your children are watching you as well! No I don't have children of my own yet, but God made me an Aunt and feel it is as important as being a mom! We are all God's children and the best thing we can do is teach each other about God! To share God's love with everyone!


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